Sunday, February 27, 2011

make bright and clear your path

I don't believe in an interventionist God,
but I know, darling, that you do.
But if I did, I would kneel down and ask Him
not to intervene when it came to you.
Not to touch a hair on your head
to leave you as you are,
and if He felt He had to direct you,
then direct you into my arms.

Into my arms, O Lord.
Into my arms, O Lord.
Into my arms, O Lord.
Into my arms.

This song explains life way too perfectly.


(New Anthro sweater; thank you, boy that loves me.)

Can you spot the differences in this picture from my last? Haha...

Friday, February 25, 2011

even the last of the blue-eyed babies know

This picture is from yesterday. I think it describes my life pretty well right now - Ryan bought me beautiful coral-colored roses; the bottle of Jack waiting so anxiously to be drank.

My hair is driving me CRAZY lately. I cut my bangs, thinking it'd keep them from being so annoying, but now they're even more annoying. My ends are fried, and I'm at that super awkward length between short and long. I feel like I look so much better when I just pull it back, and I hate it! :(

But anyway, ANOTHER amazing band is coming to Salt Lake! Iron & Wine - June 3rd! This is going to be such an amazing year for concerts.

April 8th - My Chemical Romance
April 11th - Arcade Fire
May 9th - Of Montreal
May 21st - Glee Live
June 3rd - Iron & Wine
and after that, the Twilight concert series! :) Hopefully we get some awesome acts this year, hopefully it's at the Gallivan, and hopefully I'll have my bike by that time to ride there!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Little Resolutions

I've been a confused girl lately, it's true. I'm skipping class, feeling lethargic at work, and procrastinating my homework. Clearly I need some inspiration. I think I'll try out this idea of "little resolutions" I've stolen from the blog, M Loves M. What an inspiring gal! Instead of one big New Year's Resolution, she decided to take on one new, small resolution every week of the year. And it's such a fantastic idea I think I'll just go ahead and steal it. I think that feeling of accomplishment at the end of week could be exactly what I need.

This week: No sweets, and no more eating at work.
My work makes delicious food, but yes it's true, I am straight up sick of it. Still I eat it because I get such a good discount, and since I hate grocery shopping, it's a win-win. But I know deep down that I could be saving even more money if I'd just suck it up, go to Smith's, and eat at home for every meal. Maybe some day I'll take on the no-coffee-house-coffee resolution :)
Oh and no sweets because in my mind, I somehow seem to justify having desserts every day because I only eat one meal at work. No Jamie. Just... no. I actually weigh less than I have in a pretty long time, and I want to stay here.

I also enjoy these lists:

Currently obsessed with:
Arcade Fire in 47 days!
Relaxing with a drink after work (tonight: hypnotiq mixed with banana colada fuze; SO GOOD!)
ModCloth's Cabin Fever Sale. (my Arcade Fire ticket took up the majority of my "fun money" for this paycheck but I can't ever resist a sale...)
Cleaning my apartment.
Road bikes.

Currently listening: Window Blues - Band of Horses

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

spring wish list (:

I don't have much to say except that I wish I had money for these adorable items. So excited for spring/summer clothes shopping!! My style's changed so much since last summer, and I'm excited to try some new things.

Imagine these last three all together, paired with some skinny jeans, glasses, and toms shoes:

AHHHHHHHHH the cuteness! Too bad that's like a $300 outfit :[

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

the citrus drawing out the season's stains

jacket: Anthropologie; bracelet: Chamaymay!

Mother I can tell what you've been thinking,
staring at the stars on your ceiling,
thinking once there was a power that you were wielding.
And now I've hit the mark,
staring at the dark,
and I cannot help but ignore the people staring at my scars.

Let this be our little secret,
no one needs to know we're feeling
higher and higher and higher,
higher and higher and higher.

But I feel alive and I feel it in me,
up and up and keep on climbing
higher and higher and higher,
higher and higher and higher.

Currently obsessed with:
Passion Pit. The Naked and Famous. Arcade Fire.
The idea of going to Coachella or Bonnaroo.
Toms shoes.
The University of Utah.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Dear Valentine's Day,

Dear Valentine's Day,

You can sure make a girl crazy. You make walking into a grocery store feel like walking through a cemetery. Who would've thought! You wake me up feeling all self-righteous and independent and such, but by halfway through the day, you're making me just downright lonely. You're making me talk to boys I shouldn't talk to and get to thinking that I wish they'd surprise me with flowers. I get to feeling pathetic. And I blame you. You, as a holiday, are more discriminating than any other holiday, including religious, and it downright irks me. If you beat out religion, you have gotten on my bad side. You have made me bitter unlike any February 14th before. I was going to spend this day in dignity and go shopping for MYSELF and be SELFISH and say that I am my OWN Valentine, because I've never felt that kind of self-love before. But alas I have failed. I just want some flowers, and to hold someone's hand.


Friday, February 11, 2011

fall back in love eventually

Hi, my name's Jamie. I'm not a baby anymore and I'm ready to start something braaaaaaand new.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

sometimes I think I am out of my league

Why do I have this compulsive need to just KNOW people? You could say I'm the nosiest person in the world...but secretively. I don't ask an annoying amount of questions or anything; I just facebook stalk and wonder. I wonder about people to the point of being creepy probably.

Anyway, still don't know what to do with myself. Hmph. I kind of just wait by the phone... and wonder.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I feel shiny and new (plastic and cold.)

I'm walking through the city, like a drunk but not
With my slip showing a little, like a drunk but not
And I am one of your people, but the cars don't stop
And I am one of your people, but the cars don't stop

It's been a long time since before I've been touched
Now I'm getting touched all the time
And it's only a matter of whom
And it's only a matter of when

An addiction, two hands and feet
There's a meat market down the street
The boys and girls watch each other eat
When they really just wanna watch each other sleep

Oh Regina. Oh Joni. Oh Thom. You can hear something a million times but you never really know, until you know...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

This weekend,

I lost something.

I gained something.

But mostly importantly I discovered something:

I'm human.