Sunday, November 28, 2010


Given that I will be able to get into the classes that I'm planning on, I think I've got my spring schedule figured out :) I'm taking College Algebra, French I, and Intro to Humanities. And yes, that does make me a full-time student! French is 5 credits, which kind of scares me to death, but I'm so excited to finally start learning it. I'm thinking of even minoring in French, then if my graphic design career doesn't work out or if I have a mid-life crisis, maybe I'll get my masters in teaching and teach French.

I'm ridiculously excited to be a student again :)

And on top of that, it leaves me with two whole days and two nights to work, which gives me about 26 hours a week, which is plenty of money for me :) I'm just going to save and save and save and then take a really nice vacation with Ryan next summer. I'm already kind of impressed with how well I've managed my paychecks!

Still though, I can't help but lust over a few things. I feel strange writing a blog without any pictures, so here are a few items that I've been on the very edge of clicking "Add to Shopping Cart." Christmas is soon though, so after shopping for the boyfriend and family, I'll treat myself to a couple :) Deciding on which ones is the hard part.

(I don't think I've ever loved a clock/anything so much in my life. It's $55, but it WILL be mine.)

(Oven mitts! FREAKING CUTE.)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Please and thanks.

Pictures from yesterday:

Today while I was working, we closed down the store and we all got off work early due to the blizzard! It almost makes up for all the times we should have gotten a snow day in high school but never did.

Apparently it's going to be a horrible snowstorm. That's why I'm all alone tonight, blogging... I would be at Ryan's or he would be here, but we're both too scared to have to drive home later. Better not risk it. So I'm sitting here doing nothing... Perhaps I'll make myself some hot chocolate or butterbeer and watch Boy Meets World or something :)

Also because of the storm, I don't know if I'll be going home for Thanksgiving :( I really want to make it, and chances are I will, but I might not. We're having a relatively big Thanksgiving at my parents house, and I really want to see my relatives that I never get to see. I also bought a pretty shirt just for the occasion! AND my uncle hired a professional photographer hahaha. How sad it would be if I weren't in those pictures! So PLEASE go away, snow! Thanksgiving kind of means a lot to me, especially this year. I have way too much to be thankful for. My supportive family, my sweet sweet boyfriend, my job. I'm so so grateful for all of it.

Monday, November 22, 2010

New video.

Good morning, crash queens and motor babies ;) Today is that day.

I'm thankful to be going to work today. I had such a lazy weekend. Now I'm loaded on coffee and embracing the day. Gonna work, go pick up my CD, and listen to it on repeat for the rest of the night while I clean up my messy apartment and pack for Thanksgiving.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1

I think the time has come for my Deathly Hallows review.

I took pictures even though there wasn't too much to take pictures of. Just lots of people waiting around in cute costumes :)

Here was my outfit :)

That tie is now hanging on my cork board in my bedroom. Makes it feel like I'm in a Gryffindor dorm wooh!

So anyway. Our showing was at 1:20 AM. And my overall thoughts: I really can't sum it up in one sentence. I have to see it again to make an accurate judgement. BUT I can make this comparison, overall: Lord of the Rings and the Two Towers. Now, The Two Towers is everyone's least favorite LOTR movie, and that's not what I'm saying at all. Deathly Hallows Part 1 is undecidedly my first or second favorite HP film. What I'm saying is, that feeling that you got after seeing The Two Towers was exactly like how I felt after DH P1. This feeling that the end is so near you can taste it. And that you want more... but you don't. I wonder if in the last film, they'll pull a Peter Jackson and keep fading out... and in again... and out... and in again... I know that they don't want to let go as badly as we don't want to.

It hit me so unbelievably hard when I walked out of that theater. I cried a little during Dobby's death, but when we left the theater, I tried to keep it in but I couldn't. I was like shaking/makeup-down-my-face crying. Must have looked bloody stupid. But I couldn't stop thinking "holy crap there's only one more now! Only ONE!" I do not want it to end. I'm kind of dreading July 15th :(

I realize now that PMS was probably mostly to blame for that over-emotional moment hah :) And how late it was. I was just completely drained by that time.

But the movie! The acting was superb, the accuracy to the book was satisfying, and well... I don't know. It's all kind of a blur. I really should see it again before writing this, but whatever. The dance scene with Nick Cave was a little awkward, but I'm still glad it was in there. That song just works. I feel like the relationship between Harry and Hermione was more prominent than ever. I liked how much the relationships matured in this one; you could really feel Ron and Hermione secretly falling in love with each other, rather than like in the sixth film, where it was a little more immature- Ron kisses another girl and Hermione runs away and cries. Harry and Ginny are still hollow. But I'm sure there will be a good moment between those two in the next film. Sigh... it's not the "next" anymore. It's the last.

Biggest disappointment: WHERE is the big argument scene with Lupin and Harry?! Did I miss it? It seems SO silly that Tonks would bring it up in the beginning during the Seven Potters scene and then they never brought it up again in the whole movie. I'm so disappointed; it's such a fantastic scene in the book that shows so much of both Lupin and Harry's characters.

Biggest surprise: The animated part that you see while Hermione reads The Tale of the Three Brothers. It took me off guard, but the animation looked pretty sweet.

I also feel that the Malfoy Manor scene was very played down. I almost was second-guessing that it was the last scene in the movie because I don't think it was made to be climactic enough. It was true to the book, which was the problem. They should have made it a little more dramatic and a little more war-like to end the film with a bang and set the mood for the upcoming film. And Dobby's death was sad. Sad sad sad. But well-done.

I'll add more to this after I think of more haha. I need to leave now to go watch Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus with Ryan :) Maybe I'll write a review on that, to get my mind off HP... haha.

So I'll leave with this. Because it describes how I felt after seeing DH so perfectly. I feel like Harry during the Battle of Hogwarts... walking straight to his death. So sad... so sad.

Honest to god... when I look back at my childhood and teenage years, this is what I'll think of.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Four days.

I'm totally ready for Deathly Hallows. I got the shirt from Hot Topic that I wanted: a Gryffindor polo with a tie :) Snatched up the very last one. It's cute! And Ryan's wearing my old Gryffindor scarf. I seem to remember letting Sariah wear that scarf too when we saw Half-Blood Prince.. haha.

Also, "O Children" by Nick Cave... is in Deathly Hallows. WHAT- I DON'T EVEN- Greatest thing my ears have ever heard. It's weird thinking that a song I actually know with lyrics and whatnot will be in a Harry Potter film because they've never done that before. Apparently it's being played while Harry and Hermione dance in the tent or something. I could see it being played on the anarchist radio station they listen to. The lyrics fit so very well.

Here comes Frank and poor old Jim
They're gathering round with all my friends
We're older now, the light is dim
And you are only just beginning

O children

We have the answer to all your fears
It's short, it's simple, it's crystal dear
It's round about, it's somewhere here
Lost amongst our winnings

O children
Lift up your voice, lift up your voice
Rejoice, rejoice

The cleaners have done their job on you
They're hip to it, man, they're in the groove
They've hosed you down, you're good as new
They're lining up to inspect you

O children

Poor old Jim's white as a ghost
He's found the answer that was lost
We're all weeping now, weeping because
There ain't nothing we can do to protect you

brb need to finish the rest of the first half of DH!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Apartment 2C take 2

My apartment that was supposed to be a sanctuary of pure femininity has somehow turned out looking like a boy's dorm room. But that's ok :) I just got a huge paycheck and I'm staying on the look out for girly little things to add to it. I also don't like the green and yellow scheme I got going. Kinda ugly. But that's what I have to work with right now :) I didn't even bother taking pictures of my bedroom because it's still basically just a room of boxes.

I don't know how I feel about this ottoman. It came with the two couches, and my mom thinks I should keep it, but.. mehhh. A coffee table would be more practical.

The walls are so bare! AH! Urban Outfitters has a really pretty GIRLY canvas print but it's like $100. Maybe next paycheck.

And since I have no bookshelf or wall shelves, the kitchen table is home for my books! And I love these vases soooooo much. Ryan got them for me from the wonderful consignment store in St. George that I can't think of the name of.

I'm also happy with how my little end table arrangement ended up. I bought this super cute lantern from Ikea, intending to hang it from the ceiling. But I kind of like this a lot. And this pineapple candle is to die for. From Z Galleries. And of course my favorite picture taken with my Diana :)

And lastly, I'm in love with my fridge! I'm putting up all my concert tickets, tickets to really good movies, and tickets to any other kind of shows (i.e. Mamma Mia!) I've been to plenty of other shows too, by the way.. I just haven't saved every single ticket haha. I believe the oldest one here is from July 2007. (Also notice the three Half-Blood Prince tickets!)

Tonight is actually probably the longest amount of time I've spent alone in my apartment just chilling. And it hasn't been one bit lonely! I have plenty to keep me occupied. (Cleaning, organizing, more cleaning...)

Happy weekend! Tomorrow I'm sleeping in then spending the day out with Ryan. Gettin myself a blu-ray player :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Different names for the same thing.

This outfit is way too similar to yesterday's. But it's just too easy! This is my attire for the entire winter k, accept it.

top: Forever 21; hoodie: American Apparel

I'm so boring. It's nice.

Oh and look at me wearing my hair down and shittttt. It keeps my neck warm. I can't afford scarves.

9 DAYS!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Quick blog.

Had a good day :) 8-hour shift, caught up on my re-read of Deathly Hallows, and watched How I Met Your Mother episodes with Ryan that we've never seen before!

But I'm sad that my apartment is so cold. I'm sad that I have to tape up the windows because they let cold air right in. I mean, I'm not shivering or anything, but it's not as warm as I like it to be. The first thing I'm getting with this next paycheck is some knit hats and gloves and long-sleeved thermals to sleep in.
With all the shit I need to get, I'll be lucky if this huge paycheck lasts me a week haha.

I liked my outfit today.

hoodie: don't remember; jacket, jeans, shoes: Forever 21; bag: grandma's

Forever 21 has a million different-colored fleece hoodie tops that would also be perfect for layering this way. I think it looks so cute. And warm!

Time to sleep then wake up again and go to work again. I haaaaaaate opening. I haven't had to ever get up this early since high school. But I'm being optimistic :) Life is overall actually pretty relaxing, despite how tired my body constantly feels. I guess it's the gratification of independently supporting myself.

Oh and I got both the 18th and 19th off for midnight HP. WUDDUPPPPPPP

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Remember when.

I'm drowning in nostalgia.

I feel like I'm high off of memories.

I'm glad I was an outcast in high school. High school really is a play, and everyone gets casted, except the outcasts. They get to have more fun than the stars. The stars have rehearsals every day; they have to memorize lines. But the outcasts can do whatever they want.

I'm glad I didn't spend all of my time worrying about friends and parties and dating. I lived in my head. I lived in music, art, and writing, and I found a world all my own - so much better than the world of Parowan High School.

And middle school... Middle school made me who I am today. That night in June 2005 might be the greatest night of my life. You're probably wondering how just a night at home with friends could be the greatest night of my life... I don't know either. But I'm pretty sure it was. Twizzlers, Ava Adore, kitchen table, sunrise. If only those ladies knew.

This is so far from my regular blogging, but this has consumed me lately. I'm just so high off the old days. I like who I was and where I came from. I like my story.

I'm picking up where I left off.